2012 LiveWyer is founded in London by a small team of System Administrators.
2012 Early focus on repeatable, highly-scalable and highly-available LAMP stack cloud infrastructure.
2013 LiveWyer becomes a trusted consultancy partner with Comic Relief who generate £75,107,851 of donations as part of Red Nose Day 2013.
2014 LiveWyer becomes lead infrastructure partner, building new custom highly scalable and available infrastructure for sportrelief.com. Sport Relief raise a record £51,242,186.
2014 The Kubernetes Project is founded by Joe Beda, Brendan Burns and Craig McLuckie and first announced by Google.
2015 LiveWyer continues to grow, and starts heavy research and development into Kubernetes based infrastructure.
2016 LiveWyer joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as one of the founding Kubernetes Service Providers.
2016 Begins delivering Kubernetes-based solutions for customers such as Ericsson and Camelot Global.
2017 LiveWyer continues to grow and extends the team into Europe.
2018-2020 As momentum builds behind the Cloud Native Infrastructure model, LiveWyer successfully delivers Kubernetes enabled solutions across industries such as finance, telecommunications and retail.
2021 LiveWyer invests in LiveWyer Labs initiative to continue ongoing research and development into Cloud Native Infrastructure solutions.
2022 LiveWyer is a key component in the successful delivery of a new Kubernetes based Platform as a Service for Siemens DISW.
2023 LiveWyer has expanded Siemens’ Kubernetes Platform to include Azure, AWS, vSphere, and a new APAC Region.
2024 Our teams continue to accelerate client initiatives and develop production-ready solutions with The LiveWyer Way delivery process.